    মূলপাতাEnglishDistrict Awami League Secretary Expresses Displeasure over Mashrafe's Nomination

    District Awami League Secretary Expresses Displeasure over Mashrafe’s Nomination

    District Awami League Secretary Expresses Displeasure over Mashrafe's Nomination

    Unveiling Concerns on Party Dynamics and Nomination Process

    District Awami League General Secretary and Sadar Upazila Chairman, Nizam Uddin Khan Nilu, recently voiced his discontent with the current Member of Parliament for Narail-2 and former national team captain, Mashrafe Bin Mortaza. In a press conference held at his residence in Kurigram, Narail city, on November 29, Nilu expressed his frustration regarding the unfolding events.

    Party Loyalty Questioned

    Nilu questioned the significance of the exuberant support demonstrated by Mashrafe’s followers after securing the Awami League party nomination for the second time. He raised concerns about the purpose behind the motorcycle procession, cheering, and firecrackers in front of his residence.

    Nomination Protocol Breach

    Highlighting a departure from the usual nomination protocol, Nilu emphasized that, traditionally, candidates coordinate with top party leaders when collecting and submitting nomination papers for parliamentary elections. He lamented the lack of evaluation of party leaders and workers during this nomination process. Nilu, who shares the Narail-II seat nomination with Mashrafe, asserted that the Central Committee’s decision to nominate Mashrafe was a party mandate. However, he criticized Mashrafe for underestimating party leaders and workers, deeming it detrimental to the party’s unity.

    Party Unity and Future Decisions

    Responding to queries about supporting the party candidate, Nilu affirmed his commitment to the party. Yet, he expressed dissatisfaction with Mashrafe’s avoidance and disregard for party leaders and workers, leaving his future actions undecided. When asked about the possibility of running independently, Nilu dismissed the idea, stating it would be futile without party support.

    However, when questioned about supporting an independent candidate, Nilu stated that he would make a decision on December 17, the last day for candidate withdrawal, after considering party directives and the prevailing circumstances.

    Narail Nilu 01
    District Awami League General Secretary and Sadar Upazila Chairman Nizam Uddin Khan Nilu expressed his anger on Mashrafe bin Mortza.

    Party President’s Perspective

    District Awami League President Advocate Subas Chandra Bose shed light on the situation, revealing that a notice was issued on the day of Mashrafe’s nomination paper collection, urging everyone to gather at the district Awami League office. He confirmed instructing the general secretary, Nilu, to stay. Bose, unaware of the events at Nilu’s residence, reiterated his belief that the party candidate would maintain widespread support.

    Ensuring Party Solidarity

    In response to concerns about the potential impact on the upcoming elections, Advocate Subas Chandra Bose expressed confidence that party members would unite in support of the official candidate. He emphasized the expectation that everyone would work together seamlessly.

    Conclusion Mashrafe Bin Mortaza, the current Member of Parliament for Narail-2, faces internal party discontent as he secures the Awami League’s nomination for a second term. The contrasting perspectives of Nilu and party leaders reveal underlying tensions, raising questions about the future dynamics within the Narail Awami League. The unfolding situation adds an element of uncertainty to the upcoming elections, with party unity hanging in the balance

    © এই নিউজ পোর্টালে প্রকাশিত/প্রচারিত কোনো লেখা, ছবি, ভিডিও পূর্বানুমতি ছাড়া ব্যবহার বেআইনি।
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